Monday, January 5, 2015

Those who tell the stories rule the world...

In my daughter’s world, they do… stories on princesses, knights and dragons are an inevitable part of the bedtime routine. Needless to say that I value the art of storytelling.

But also in my professional life, story telling plays an important role.

Stories predate writing and are meant to engage people. Good stories surprise us and are compelling. They stick to our mind and help us to remember concepts and ideas far better than numbers and PowerPoint slides ever could. Great stories build relationships and make people care. And at the end of the day, that is what makes the difference.

Consequently, story telling is an invaluable asset in the process of attracting talent. It is obvious that candidates need to tell an appealing story on who they are but, more importantly, companies need to tell a compelling story to convince the right candidate.

The story that you share will determine to a large extent whether there is a fit between his or her aspirations and the journey you want to take them on.
Therefor, your story needs to represent the business, the ideas, the challenges and objectives you have for the future. It should contain samples of the company culture and have a strong human aspect to it. But most importantly, it should be authentic and be an actual reflection of the organization.

It should make the right candidate step out of the office with the drive to take up the challenge and the desire to join your company. It should feel like your company is their knight in shining armor.

There is nothing worse than telling a great story while hiding a totally different reality. It will mean that candidates who decided to accept a job offer based on the information that they have received during the process will start on their first day in another world.  No happy ending can come of it and frustration from both sides will be the only result.

There are some more pitfalls that could prevent you from attracting the right candidate but those will be for the next blog. In the meantime, feel free to share with me your story and we can figure out whether it will make you rule the world.

All that remains for today is wishing you a wonderful 2015 and may every day be one step closer to realizing your dreams.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Through a personalized and tailor-made approach, Ingenium Executive Search aspires to assist you in attracting the right talent that matches the DNA of your company

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