Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The most difficult thing about falling… is getting back up

Trust me, numerous attempts are necessary to get me back on my feet and I always sigh with relief when someone offers a helping hand.

When going through my e-mails upon my return, I saw a number of messages of people ‘looking for a new challenge’ and I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between my skiing adventures and every day life.

We all know how it goes, whether we experienced it ourselves or saw it in our close environment. You have been working hard for years, thriving on the pressures and challenges of your work, enjoying the money that you earned. And then the big blow…a reorganisation and you loose your job.

There are no two ways about it, losing your job is hard regardless whether it has anything to do with your performance or not. But the way you get back up will set you apart from others.

Easier said than done though. I don’t know anybody who truly considered losing a job as a learning opportunity or a chance for personal growth. But in the end, it is what it is and the only option is to get back on your feet.  So here are a few tips that may help you stand up again.

  • ·       Breathe and take a few weeks off to let it sink in. Make sure that before you start your job hunt, you have overcome natural feelings of regret, anger, bitterness and grief. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  • ·       Don’t let your job be your identity. Who you are is not what you do. It never was and it will never be. Losing a job usually is not a sign of personal inadequacy or failure. Most of the time it is an unfortunate circumstance that is beyond your control.

  • ·       Stay positive. When it comes down to job hunting, attitude is everything. Your ability to stay positive and confident, even in times of dramatic change, will be far more attractive to potential employers than a coulda-woulda-shoulda attitude.

  • ·       Use your network. Reach out to people and make sure that they know what you are looking for. People enjoy helping others so they may prove to be very valuable to introduce you to potential employers.

  • ·       Don’t apply just for any job. Take your time to define where you want to go and what your next step could be. No one wants to hire someone who is not genuinely interested in the opportunity that is being offered.

  • ·       Ask for help. Outplacement and career guidance may just be the outside help that you need to find the right way to get back on your feet.

I fully realise that these tips won’t make it any easier to overcome the loss of a job. But the right attitude and a little luck will enable you to conquer the mountain and get back on your feet.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Through a personalised and tailor-made approach, Ingenium Executive Search aspires to assist you in attracting the right talent that matches the DNA of your company

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