Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Is there a way back after saying ‘no’ to a job offer?

Deciding whether to accept a job offer is a tough decision and a very personal one. Many factors come into play: the compensation package, any possible relocation, the fear of the unknown… In the end, you take a well-informed decision whether to accept or reject.
But what happens if you decide not to accept the offer…only to regret it a few days later. Is there a way back?

A door is never closed. After all, when a company makes you a job offer, it means that they are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Throughout the process, they have made the conscious decision that your skillset and your personality is what their company needs. That hasn’t changed overnight, simply because you have turned them down.

Whether the door opens again, is a different thing.

First of all, they may have offered the position to another candidate. In that case, there is no other way than to live with the consequences and learn from the experience.

Quite often, there is no back-up candidate and the position will still be open. The way you re-establish contact will be key as to whether they will reconsider you as a candidate or whether the door will remain closed. Your approach can confirm that you have courage, the courage to admit that you have made a mistake. At the same time, it can also give the impression that you take decisions emotionally without any rational behind it.
So here are few tips that can help you in preparing that conversation.

·       Take 24 hours to think about your decision. Once you have reconfirmed your interest in the position, there is no way back. You can come back on your word maybe once but never twice.
·       If you worked through a recruitment agency or a headhunter, use them as an intermediate to test how deep the water is.
·       Candor goes a long a way. Be open about the reasons why you have rejected the offer and what has happened that has made you change your mind. Be prepared to elaborate on any personal issues that may have influenced the decision. At the same time, there is no need to put your entire life on display.
·       Make it easy for the hiring manager to turn you down. After all, he or she will probably be disappointed after your initial decision and might not be willing to reconsider you.

Embarrassing as it may be to go back on your word, take your chances if you regret having rejected a job offer. If you are candid and sincere, the worst the company can say is no, and let’s face that is the same position as you are currently in.

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Through a personalized and tailor-made approach, Ingenium Executive Search aspires to assist you in attracting the right talent that matches the DNA of your company

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