Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Show me the goodies ... and become the star of the show

It’s fairly easy to distinguish a great sales manager from a  good one. A great one will talk figures. Even during the first minutes of the interview, he or she will tell me the turnover he was responsible for, the percentage of sales increase she has realized…

When it comes down to being successful in a job, it is all about achievements. You can be a natural leader with unseen people skills…if you cannot produce tangible results, it is merely water down the drain.

Measurable achievements can consequently be the star of the show during a job interview. They tell stories that point to a specific outcome that I can measure against my client’s needs.

Although being open and frank about results that you have personally achieved may feel uncomfortable, a job interview is not the place to be modest. To get to the next round, you need to show me the goodies.

There are a few techniques that you can use to make your results shine without coming across as arrogant.

It all starts with a good preparation. Based on the job specification, you can detect the result areas that I will be looking for. Base your responses on those criteria, especially when you are eager to move into a new field. Start reflecting, prior to the interview, on achievements that are solid examples of these competencies.

Next thing is structure. There is nothing as unpleasant as having to probe you to find out exactly what you have done. Structure your story upfront: provide me the context, describe the challenges and the expectations, elaborate on your specific action and quantify the results (this is know as the STAR technique, future blogs will elaborate on that further). When you do this right, your well-structured story proves that you have the experience to do the job.

Last but not least, there is the content of your story. Be specific, I don’t want to know what ‘we’ did, I want to know your personal contribution. Avoid the typical company jargon. When I have to interrupt you to ask for clarification on an acronym, it will break your pace. Be precise and concise, I’m not interested in all the details, it is the overall picture that counts.

The best candidates are the ones that unconsciously integrate tangible results in their stories. But these tips should help you to create the mindset that is needed to ‘sell yourself’ during our discussion and become the star of the show.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Through a personalized and tailor-made approach, Ingenium Executive Search aspires to assist you in attracting the right talent that matches the DNA of your company

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