Monday, March 2, 2015

It's all about the money...

Being a headhunter is a funny job. One of the last standing taboos is the most common topic in my world…your salary.

A Stepstone survey, involving over 10,000 participants in Europe, reveals that only 20% of employees talk openly about what they earn. The remaining 80% prefer not to talk about their salary, and certainly don't discuss it with anyone who isn’t a close friend or family member. 29% think the topic is strictly private and don’t discuss it with anyone. Although the remaining half of the survey respondents do talk about their salary, they only do so with close friends or family.
So that is maybe why some of my candidates do not want to share any earnings information with me…

In my world it does not work that way.
When I contact you, one of my first questions will be how much your current salary is. Am I that curious?

Not really, well at least not on the subject of your earnings, and I have no intention of being intrusive but your salary level provides me some basic information to assess your fit with the search.
Your compensation will usually reflect quite correctly your seniority and your experience. Consequently, it will also give me an idea as to whether you are too junior, too senior or at the right level for a position.

It also prevents unrealistic expectations and unpleasant surprises when the whole process ends with an offer. To avoid this, salary information is one of the first things I will share with my clients. It serves no one to enter a process that may result in you being excited about the opportunity and an offer far below what you currently make.

Your salary will serve as a guideline should it come down to an offer. A lot of candidates ask me what they can expect when I call them with the good news. My standard response is that we are not on a Moroccan market. The best bargainer will not win the deal!
Preparing an offer is quite an analytical exercise where your current salary is compared with the benchmarks and compensation guidelines a company uses to grade its employees. Usually an increase will be added to make the offer attractive but increases of 15 to 20% are rare.
You can always try to negotiate but experience shows that offers tend to be well balanced, offering you a fair compensation for the results you have to achieve while at the same time leaving some room for future increases.

All in all, prying you about one of the most private topics in your live serves a purpose. And to me, it is just data…

I look forward to hearing from you,

Through a personalized and tailor-made approach, Ingenium Executive Search aspires to assist you in attracting the right talent that matches the DNA of your company

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